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New client version 1.1.6 has been released

David Wibergh, about Announcements

--Update 2--

A bug managed to slip through our beta tests where subscriptions with less than 7 days left caused the client interface to freeze up on account login. The issue has been resolved and a new version has been published on the website and we strongly recommend anyone who already updated to 1.1.6 to update again. We apologize again for the inconvenience!

--Update 1--

A few lines of debug code for the beta tests, were accidentally left in 1.1.6. We've now removed it and uploaded a new version. If you've already downloaded the client we recommend you update again in order to prevent unnecessarily large client log file directories. We apologize for the inconvenience!

Today we release a new client version for for Windows, OS X and Ubuntu. It can be downloaded for Windows, OS X and Ubuntu on the links below:



Ubuntu 32 bit:

Ubuntu 64 bit:

Updates in 1.1.6

  1. Support for OVPN's dedicated IPv6 DNS servers for each scenario with and without DNScrypt activated.

  2. The client now removes any manual attempts to change DNS servers while the client is running. (Windows and OS X).

  3. Improved notifications when the killswitch is activated. Also enables user to manually disable the killswitch when it's activated.

  4. The system tray icon now turns red when the killswitch gets activated.

  5. Fallback routine to connect to OVPN if the website API is down. (Elaborate description below).

  6. The client is now minimized correctly for OS X. Shutdown and handling key commands is now working as per OS X standard.

  7. Functionality to send anonymous usage data has been added. More information can be found here:

Description of fallback routine

Users might previously have experienced issues with connection attempts when our website was offline due to service outages. A new fallback routine has been put in place to improve client connection attempts when the website is offline. The website's API is called when connecting in order to check server loads. If such an API requests fails, the client was previously unable to connect to OVPN.

The fallback now uses cached server data if the API is unavailable. This allows VPN connections to remain unaffected by certain issues on the website.

There is still work that needs to be done in order to make the client entirely independent when the API is down. Our hope is to complete tasks related to this in the coming months.

Updating the infrastructure

An important change has also been implemented for DNS requests done in the Toronto, Amsterdam or Frankfurt datacenters. Previously all DNS requests were sent to OVPN's dedicated Swedish DNS servers, which means a high latency depending on the user's location.

However, we rolled out a change a couple of days ago, enabling DNS servers in each datacenter. Please note that no apparent change is visible as the DNS addresses remains unchanged in all datacenters. The requests should however be carried out much faster than before which can be noticed by browsing the internet from the Toronto, Amsterdam or Frankfurt datacenter.

David Wibergh