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We believe in transparency

By utilising a VPN service you are essentially moving the trust from your ISP to the VPN provider. It's crucial that you're using a VPN service that is trustworthy and transparent on how the business is run and which methods they've employed to protect your privacy and integrity.

We strongly believe that OVPN is the most transparent and trustworthy VPN service. OVPN Integritet AB (556999-4469) is registered in Sweden and was incorporated in 2015.

We've gone into great detail how we're preventing any logs from being generated, we have a thorough and concise privacy policy detailing users rights and our obligations and we have an insurance that covers legal fees - enabling us to have the financial resources to go to court in case any entity attempts to retrieve customer information from us.

Furthermore, we publish monthly transparency reports detailing any requests of information from government agencies, the traffic volumes per datacenter as well as uptime.

Monthly transparency reports

Below is a list of every single transparency report we have published.